Wednesday 3 September 2014


Blood. Blood everywhere.

Who knew a girl's period could cause so much terror? Well, more terror than an average period, anyway.

Carrie White is the daughter of super-strictly religious Margaret White, and she has a special gift - the power of telekinesis. Carrie learns to control this power as, unaware to her, the bullying girls in her year group plot the most awful prank you will ever hear of (I'm not going to tell you what it is because spoilers but loads of you probs already know).

I absolutely loved this book. It is right up my street, what with the slight psychological theme, the gore and the tension. The story is captivating and I constantly wanted to know what was coming next.

Considering this was Stephen King's first novel, the writing style is extremely interesting. It is original and unique, and I thoroughly enjoyed the multiple perspectives shown throughout the novel. I also really liked the way he incorporated sections from fictional articles and books.

Reading Carrie has made me excited to read more of King's work in the future, namely Misery, The Body and The Shining. But for now, I've got to continue with my reading list.

Next I will be reading More Than This by Patrick Ness, which is Ben's favourite book. I look forward to seeing what he is always raving about.

Heather out.

P.S. I wrote this review whilst listening to Collabro's debut album, 'Stars'. Go and listen to it right now, it is totally fab, and I would do a review of it except I can't put my feelings about it into words. Just go listen. Go.

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