Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Heather's Reading List Of Awesome

Ooh, the first real post on our new blog. Exciting. And it's by me, not Ben. Mwahahahahahaha *cough*.

Anyway. Sorry.

This summer I decided to write myself a reading list. It (currently) consists of 15 books, all fiction, and all different (mostly). Seeing as this is a review-centred blog, I thought I'd review each one on here. Sound good? No? Shut up.

City of Bones - Cassandra Clare

Now, technically I've been 'reading' this book since last September, but I kept getting distracted by other stories and so I've been half way through it for multiple months. I decided that finishing this book would be a great way to start my reading list.

I decided to read City of Bones after seeing the film, which I really enjoyed. Unfortunately, I didn't like the book as much as I liked the film.

It starts off well, and the story is an interesting idea, but by the end I was just happy to have finished it. It didn't grip me as I would have liked it to, and Clare uses similies and metaphors in every other sentence. Why.

Argh, I hate writing bad reviews about books. Sigh.

However, there were aspects of it that I really liked. For example, I loved Simon. He's so adorable and funny and I like that he actually gets annoyed at Clary and doesn't just go along with everything she says. I also liked the fact that there is an LGBTQ+ character who's storyline doesn't revolve around the fact that he is LGBTQ+.

I still don't feel compelled to read the rest of the series, though. I think I'll just Google what happens to Simon and Alec.

I'm sorry that this was mostly negative. It's all just my opinion, though. I know there are loads of City of Bones fans around - there's often gifs of Jace on my tumblr dash.

The next book I will be reading is A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. Keep your eyes pealed for my (hopefully more positive) review.

Heather out.

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