Saturday 19 July 2014

Not Tumblr

This is not okay. I have feels about a TV show/book/film/CD/thing and nowhere apart from the depths of tumblr to share them.

Until now.

Welcome to our blog. Remember me? I was the obsessed weird psychotic woman who did that post on Ben's blog once (shameless self promotion? Nothing? Okay, please yourself...) about fandoms. But don't be alarmed! We are not going to go fandomy on you.

Yeah, right...

This is the place to go for reviews, thoughts and feel(ing)s about cool things. From now on, we will be posting reviews on here and Ben's other blog ( will be reserved more for the random deep thoughts that confuse everyone. His other one is dead. RIP that blog.

We'll be here after the cliffhanger.

And on Wednesdays we wear pink.

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