Friday, 15 August 2014

A Long Way Down

'Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?'

Ruined TV presenter Martin, quiet single-mum Maureen, bolshy teenager Jess and American rock star JJ meet on the roof of Toppers' House on New Year's Eve, all with the same intention - suicide.

'A Long Way Down' by Nick Hornby gives an interesting and funny take on how depression can effect multiple groups of people. The story is told from four different perspectives and each character speaks in their own unique and intriguing way. While technically there isn't a great deal of physical goings-on throughout the novel, Hornby gives us an insight into the minds of four completely different people and how they cope with the same mental illness.

While the subject matter is serious, the storytelling is light-hearted and fun. Whether you're timid and naïve like Maureen or loud and sweary like Jess, you will (most likely) find a way to relate to this book, even in the smallest of ways.

This book is completely different to what I usually read, but I enjoyed the change, and I will definitely read more of Hornby's work in the future, even though he didn't invent an adorable minor character for me to fall in love with.

The next book on my list is a different genre again, as it is 'Carrie' by Stephen King. I'm not gonna lie, I am so excited for this one.

Heather out.

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