Sunday 14 December 2014

Heather's November Favourites

I have realised that I am very late with this, but oh well.

Again, my favourite book this month was also the only one I read this month. Oooooops. The Shock of the Fall by Nathan Filer really is a wonderful novel, and you can read my review on it to find out more.

Easily my favourite film of November was The Imitation Game. I didn't really know anything about Alan Turing before seeing the film, and after watching it, I was angry that I had never been taught about his heroic story. The film is beautifully made, and Benedict Cumberbatch gives an absolutely stunning performance as Turing. This film is basically just important. Everyone should see it and learn about Turing.

Blank Space by Taylor Swift has definitely been my song of the month. Love it, love it, love it. The video is a fab accompaniment to the song, but my favourite thing about this song is the video that Taylor made with Greg James. It basically shows them miming Blank Space whilst driving through London, and it's hilarious.

TV Show
The Apprentice is back!! I absolutely adore this show. It is hilarious. Lord Sugar's criticisms and insults are always really witty, and I love to watch all the entrepreneurs bitching about each other behind their backs. My favourites are Roisin and Bianca, and sometimes Solomon. And I HATE Mark.

My favourite album this month is 1989 by Taylor Swift. The whole album is full of songs that could easily be top ten hits, and I think her fusion into pop music has worked really well. Basically I am in love with this woman, and you should be, too.

This month I went to two gigs, and so obviously I have to mention both. I saw The Kooks at Sheffield's O2 Academy and Lady Gaga at the Motorpoint Arena, also in Sheffield. If I had to choose, then Gaga's concert was better (obviously) but The Kooks were also 100% awesome. Basically both nights were awesome.

Heather out.

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