Saturday, 4 October 2014

Doctor Who - The Caretaker Review

Oh dear. And it was all going so well. I'm not really sure what happened here, but it wasn't Doctor Who.

This week was pivotal in a sense, as Danny met the Doctor. This story had a lot of potential, as it could have been very tense, character based and interesting. Instead, what we got was something that tried too hard to be funny while at the same time act grown up. And let's be honest, including that "Skovox Blitzer" was not only pretty pointless but also a little bit offensive. It was like Gareth Roberts had written "Insert generic "most dangerous alien in the universe" here to kill some time". The result was like an episode of The Sarah Jane Adventures and Coronation Street had a child, and ironically decided to call it Doctor Who.

A few things actually really annoyed me about this episode.

1) The Doctor's hatred of soldiers - it was FAR too over the top and passionate, something even Capaldi's "darker" Doctor would probably not act like
2) The horrific use of continuity - So Danny looks identical to Orson Pink, right? Why not mention it? We need a little more than a passing comment that doesn't address anything. Also, where are all the references to old Coal Hill teachers? THIS IS COAL HILL SCHOOL! The setting of the very first EVER Doctor Who story!

That said, this episode did have some merits. It was amusing in places, and the music was terrific and actually saved some of the scenes. But that is literally about it.

The necessary part of this story - Danny meets the Doctor - could have been very interesting and a lot more entertaining. Instead, Roberts tries to be grown up about dancing around a plastic bicycle for ten minutes singing the theme tune to In The Night Garden, producing a cacophony of ideas that never reaches its point and is offensive to both the eyes and the ears.


Next Week: Is it right to kill the moon?

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