Saturday, 4 October 2014

Doctor Who - Kill The Moon Review

For the second time this series, I am utterly lost for words.

"Kill The Moon" was an episode I've been looking forward to since I first heard about it (much like "Listen"), and yet I could not have comprehended how brilliant it would be (much like "Listen"). The story was firstly intriguing, then terrifying and then immensely tense, as well as being completely unpredictable all the way through. I genuinely could not have predicted the ending, and the dilemma involved raised so many interesting questions.

The acting from all characters was superb, with a special mention to Ellis George, whom I had feared may be a little bit like the Mattisons from last year's "Nightmare in Silver", however proved her worth by adding the right mix of vulnerability and confidence to the episode. The final scene between the Doctor and Clara also showcased some amazing performances.

The script itself was expertly crafted, using characterisation to enhance the already tense atmosphere provided by the direction. The score, yet again, was perfect and complemented this ideally. Again, the ending didn't feel at all rushed (although the beginning seemed a little confusing at first, but eventually made sense and didn't detract from the episode at all).

Niggle time. Only two very minor things this week. Firstly, the CGI wasn't exactly perfect, but that really is minor. Also, I didn't really understand how the moon creature laid another egg. But really, that wasn't what it was about. The science element of Sci-Fi wasn't really there...

Overall this script redefines excellent Doctor Who due to its intensity and emotionally and morally challenging concepts. I seriously hope Peter Harness will return with another script soon.


Next Week: The Doctor (and Clara????) finally get(s) round to sorting out that Mummy on the Orient Express

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